Sunday, December 16, 2012

Let's Talk About It....

Tell me you didn't shed tears this weekend.  Tell me you didn't think about 26 innocent victims....20 children ages 6 or 7 RIDDLED with bullets. (the ME found 3 to 11 bullets in each child) Tell me you're not angry. We say over and over that keeping our children safe is our #1 priority.   Polititions say that the Nation's security and our people's safety is MOST important.  Well, it is time to put our money and their vote where their mouths are.  They need to stand up to lobbiests and those who would threaten to pull their support and just do what is right. These forces have held our country and it's people hostage for long enough.  At What Cost?  Are Twenty innocent babies enough?  Yes I am talking about Gun Control and the NRA.  I'm talking about creating Laws that will really safeguard our children. If this past Friday's Massacre isn't enough....then what is?

The second ammendment gives Americans the Right to Bear Arms.  It was wriiten at a time when all Americans hunted for their food.  A time when their was no law enforcement.  A time when guns shot off single shots and you needed time to reload.  There were no police.  There were no super markets where you could buy meat.  There were no automatic or semi -automatic guns that could shoot literally hundreds of bullets a minute. 

It's time that laws caught up with the times before anymore children are massacred.   I'm sure our forefathers didn't have in mind for this law to be so abbused as it is today.    It is way too easy for anyone to secure a gun.  Ask yourself this:  Why would anyone need a semi -automatic or an automatic weapon?  You don't use them to hunt.  Picture this:  I have a gun shop located near me advertising a semi-automatic rifle for Home Security.  Have we gone mad?  The statistics show that over 10,000 americans were killed by guns this past year.  More then in the next 10 countries combined.    In Japan, all guns are banned.  Automatic guns were banned up until 2004 when a George W. Bush led congress failed to renew the ban inorder to apease the NRA & the anti-gun control lobbiests who supported their elections & reelections.  Appeasing them & getting reelected was more important then the safety of our children. What does that say of the most civilized country in the world?

Any type of automatic weapon needs to be banned.  If it was, some of those children might be alive.  The ability to own a gun needs to be made so only people who can act responsibly should own one  or two,  not 10 or 15 or more.  We need control.  Arming everyone is NOT the answer as many anti-gun control people are saying.   Can you imagine a country where everyone is packing a gun? I don't know all the answers, but our law makers need to act and act seriously for the safety of all.  Help to create a safer America.

Enough of the back room bargaining for votes.  We Elected You To Do What is RIGHT.  We Elected You To Help Keep Us SAFE.  So....What are you waiting for?  Replace all our tears with actions.  Let those Twenty Angels and 5 Heroes know that they MATTERED.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree with you more. There is no reason why anyone needs assault weapons claiming it is for self-defense. It's going to be tough because so many cling to their own version of the second amendment. It needs to be revised.
