Todays news seems to be full of half truths, no truths, and sensationalism, and it's delivered to us by unnamed sources, sources guaranteed their anonymity, and rags.
The latest is a reopening of the Steroid/PED wound in professional sports. The timing is always the best. This report coming out just after the Hall of Fame voters decided against allowing any player linked to their possible usage into the Baseball Hall of Fame.
The much heralded & popular Yellow Rag known as the, Miami New Times , an alternative weekly has reported that they have gotten their hot little hands on proof that some professional baseball players including Alex Rodriguez purchased PED's & HGH's from a clinic in Miami that has been connected to the sales of such products.
Of course all involved have denied the allegations and no proof has been shared yet. But the "Media" in all its wisdom or lack of any, has decided to "Make " a Story & sell some papers. Don't they understand that there is always going to be someone out there willing to say anything to make a buck!!!!
I think the thing that bothers me the most is the lack of integrity by these rags and the lack of compassion. Maybe not in this case but so often, if you are a person of "interest" and you make a mistake. They give you no second chances. They jump on it , all to say they "Got" the story.
Yes, I'm not sure where this "story" will go. With 24/7 news, the millions of news sites, and the need to grab your attention,Yellow News sells? Maybe it's more a reflection on Society's Core Values!!!!
And with the events that have grabbed the headlines over the past few months, isn't that sad!
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