Friday, March 30, 2012

Bullying from Albany

It looks like the apparent Bi-Partisinship which has given us an on time State Budget has come with a price. Our Schools & Children come out losers as ,despite a slight increase in overall state aide, Major Cuts are ocurring which will impact students & schools in a very negative way. Once again they are being asked to do more with less and with more unfunded mandates. This is the 4th year in a row. Enough is Enough. I fear the biggest bullying problem we have is occuring from our leadership in Albany
Everyday we are seeing our Governor smiling & showing just how he is getting things done.  It appears he has both sides working together.  He has the Tax Cap in place he promised.  He has a Teacher Evaluation System in place which he promised.  He has a cheaper Pension Tier almost in place.  Now he has an on time budget.  But at what price?  Yes we needed to tighten our belts but every  day I hear of cuts in education which will destroy Public Education.  Larger Class Sizes will have such a negative impact.  Children today are being raised with so many distractions. To put them in a class with 27 to 30 especially at the younger grades will hurt their chances of developing & succeeding.  Taking away electives, Honor classes, Arts, Music, Careers classes, & Sports  will severely limit their opportunities to branch out, to think out of the box, & develope as well rounded individuals.  
I say to our leadership....At What Cost?    Stop running for the Presidency & Take Care Of New York.

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