Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Why Shop Wal-Mart?

The recent burgluries in Rotterdam, "A Nice Place to Live", has brought up the question , " Why?" One response to this question is the Wal-Mart located in the east end of town. People say that due to Wal-Mart's cheap prices, the kinds of people that do most of their shopping their might be the kinds that wouldn't think twice about breaking the law to get what they want.

About 6 years ago, we in the west end of the town fought to keep Wal-Mart out knowing full well the issues a Wal-Mart brings with it. Neighbor Scotia-Glenville has see its crime go up by 4 times since Wal-Mart came to town with most of the increase directly involving the store.

My biggest objection to Wal-Mart comes from the fact that most of their cheaper pricing is due to their items being manufactured outside of the USA. When Wal-Mart first came to this country I believe they sold us on the idea that they would sell mostly USA produced goods. Instead they have slowly but surely helped cause many USA produced goods to be made overseas cheaper so they could sell them in their stores. They have helped to shut down many Made in USA products.

So everytime those, who are complaining about the kinds of people that move into an area where a Wal-Mart exists, shop in that Wal-Mart they are promoting the exact kinds of behaviors they object to. I'm not saying everyone who shops at or lives near a Wal-Mart is someone who might break the law. But it does give us something to think about the next time we go shopping. We do need to bring those manufacturing jobs back to the US & one way of doing that is to try hard not to support products made elsewhere. Just My TwoCents on it.

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