Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What Winter?

I guess today is the first day of spring.  It is March 20 and according to the calendar, spring starts today. What exactly does that mean?  Well usually it's just a day.  Usually there's still snow on the ground with temps maybe in the low 40's. Usually we are thinking about things we'll be doing in mid April when spring usually really gets here.  Heck in 1983 we had a huge snow storm in mid April.  The Winter of 2011-2012 was anything but a winter.  We had less then 24 inches of snow with the bulk of that coming in late October & the last day of February.  Temps were unseasonably warm.  Heck last week they were in the 60's and this week in the 70's and 80's.

Yesterday my wife & granddaughter raked.  I plan on getting the raking done in the next week or so & possibly roto-tilling my gardens in early April.  Maybe I'll be able to plant in April instead of the Memorial Day my Nonno ALWAYS said to wait till.  I just don't know.  Can we trust the weather?  It sure would be nice to be able to plant a full month earlier & extend our growing season.  Imagine fresh tomatoes and squash in early June . I'm thinking of all the projects I can get started earlier.   Do I dare?  Painting, cleaning, reorganizing, & all those things you wait til really warm days to do.

But wait, those aren't the only things you can do in warm weather!  I could go fishing.  I could go out golfing!!!!!!    How bout picnics & hiking & other such outings?  Let's not forget all the places that are seasonal like Ice Cream at Curry Freeze & Grilled Burgers and such at Jumping Jacks in Scotia.  You all must have places  like that, that open in the spring. 

With spring comes all these choices & decisions to make daily.  It's just happening earlier.  Are you ready to get into all this stuff?  Or do you need another month?   Wait a minute.  Is this for real?  Is it all in our imaginations?  Is it a dream?  Will we wake up one day to see Snow & Cold?  I guess we'll have to take a chance & see. 

On a side note, maybe this was God's way of giving all those adversely affected by last fall's rains & storms, a break.  They certainly deserved one.  Good luck to all those rebuilding their lives.

The BIG question for me is:  Is this just this year or is this the way it's going to be? Will our kids never see another winter like we lived through? Maybe Global Warming is for real.   I guess we'll have to wait & see.  For now, I'm not going to worry about winter and weather it will make a comeback.   I'm just going to enjoy SPRING.  I suggest you do too.  So see you out on the Golf Course.....in a park.....my a river or stream.........or in your house or yard "working". 

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